Tuesday, April 24, 2007

This Summer

Well, the State Department doesn't want me-- I was turned down by the Turkish scholarship people. I certainly was hoping to be selected, but I think I did a good job of preparing myself for this possibility. In my rejection email (disturbingly similar to those college rejection letters), I found out just how competitive the scholarship was: I had a 6% chance of being chosen. When I found this out, I got un-upset real quick. I had no idea it was so competitive! 550 people applied for the 35 Turkish spots alone.

There are a lot of upsides to these plans being dashed. Of course I'm not happy. But I was wondering a few days ago if it was really the best idea to not be working the summer before going abroad. Now, I will go back to having 2 jobs to make as much money as possible, and I know the motivation of being able to spend a few extra days in the south of Croatia will be enough to keep a smile on my face. I'll be going to Chicago and NYC, looking forward to seeing both. And then, come September, I'm off to Berlin.

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